Rock of Ages C.M.E Church is proud to be a place of worship for the community in Tiptonville, TN.  Like all places of worship, we can boast that people from seemingly all corners of this country have walked through our doors.  As we begin 2025 and look toward the future, we are proud to announce our plans of opening a new building right next to our current building.  Doing so will take a lot of commitment and dedication from our members.  Yet still, we are calling upon all who are willing and able to help us reach our monetary goal. 

One fundraiser that we are very excited about is our engravable ceramic tile.  For a $100 or more donation, this tile can be engraved with a contributor's personal name, business name, or as a memorial of a loved one.  These tiles will proudly be displayed as part of the entrance of the church to show gratitude to everyone who helped paved the way for the new building.