
circa 1903 - 1986

Contributors:  Blanche Sanders with additions by Thelma Barnett


Early records no longer exist, but Rev. Whitson was the first pastor and he was here when the church was built, apparently about 1903.  The church was re-built under the leadership of Rev. A. J. Jackson who served 1923-1926.


Pastors who have served Tiptonville Rock of Ages C M E Church since it became a station are Rev. Macawee (1934), Rev. King (1939), Rev. Towell, Jr. (1940), Rev. Tinsley (1942), Rev. F. T. Sanders (1944), Rev. W. H. Sims (1945-1975), Rev. R. E. Honeysucker (1975-1982), Rev. Roy Sorrell and Rev. Elam (1980), Rev. T. R. Taylor (1982), and Rev. Mrs. O. B. Wynn 1983 to the present (1986).  Rock of Ages is in the Brownsville-Dyersburg District.  Presiding Elders have been Rev. R. E. Honeysucker, Rev. Moore, Rev. J. C. Hullum and Rev. Edward C. McKelvy.


Officers and Board members known to have served are Eugene Hicks, Johnny Peoples, Alice Turner, Betty Pierce, Sam Low, Ed Green, Mattie Lou Wyatt, Tennie Powell, Walter Lancaster, Dink Lancaster, Ellie Johnson, Josie Johnson, Dave Bonner, Dood Sanders, Carey Sanders, W. Johnson, W. D. Davis, W. Mayer, Mrs. J. Johnson, A. Lerner, D. Davis, W. Wyatt, V. Meachem, E. Low, F. Mayer, D. Beckett, L. Lagrond, Lynn Barnett, Rev. J. Jackson, R. G.  The church is in the Brownsville-Dyersburg District.  Presiding Elders have been Rev. R. E. Honeysucker, Rev. Moore, Rev. J. C. Hullum and Rev. Edward C. McKelvy.  Present Board of Steward members are Ocie B. Fryerson, Willie D. Bolden, Freddie Sharp, Lee Boey, Qualin Bledson, Lynn Barnett, Sylvester Clemons, Mrs. Will Ann Avery and Montell Leonard, the oldest steward in circuit.


Sunday School Superintendents have been Elvan Pierce, Maggie Norris, Blanche Sanders, Hattie Moore, and Johnny Kindred.  Pianists are Jessie B. Sangster and Ollie B. Jones.  Choir director is Dorothy Bledsoe; youth choir director is Zenna Bledsoe.  Sunday School teachers are Blanche Sanders and Deborah Holliman (Adult), Lois Ann Bolden (Bible Class) and Tim Foster, Millie Hall, Angelia Brashier and Morris Bledsoe (Intermediate).


The Rev. R. E. Honeysucker pastored from 1975-1982.  When he came here he found the church rundown and in a bad shape.  Under his leadership, a bank loan was secured, and restoration of the building began.  He and his stewards, together with Bro. Ocie B. Fryerson, serving as chairman, along with Rev. Ernest Terry, Lynn Barnett and Montell Leonard, led the work.  A new kitchen was added, new pews were installed, floors were carpeted, and a new choir stand was added.  The pulpit was re-done, a communion table and altar valance were added; new light fixtures were installed.  Bathrooms, a pastor's study and choir rooms were added and new choir robes were bought.  All this was done at the time when Rev. Honeysucker not only pastored this church, but was also Presiding Elder of the Brownsville-Dyersburg District.  Three years before he left, he instituted the Harvest Tea, now held annually on the third Sunday in October.  Proceeds from the Harvest Tea have been used to keep the church well maintained.  The sanctuary is beautiful; we are very proud of it and it stands as a memorial in our hearts to a great leader whose foresight and sacrificial service will forever inspire us and never be lost to remembrance.  Our present pastor, Rev. Mrs. O. B. Wynn of Martin, is an able pastor and spiritual leader.  She continues the great work of those before her.  


Harvest Tea picture, year unknown